Financial Aid Information

Where can I create my FSA ID?
How long does it take to create? About 5 minutes if you have everything you need
What do I need?
1) Your Social Security Number (If you do not have an SSN, you CAN NOT create an FSAID. Instead, you will complete the CA Dream Act Application. Please see below.)
2) Your full legal name ( As written on your Social Security Card) (If you have 2 last names/2 first names/dashes/ apostrophes/etc., type it in!)
IMPORTANT: SAVE YOUR USERNAME & PASSWORD IN YOUR PHONE (You will need this to access your FAFSA financial aid application)
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
What is it?
An application for federal and state financial aid for colleges, universities, and trade schools.
Who can apply?
US citizens and some eligible Non-Citizens. (If you are not eligible, please check out the California Dream Act application below!)
Eligible Noncitizen
A U.S. national (includes natives of American Samoa or Swains Island), a U.S. permanent resident (who has an I-151, I-551 or I-551C [Permanent Resident Card]), or an individual who has an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) showing one of the following designations:
- "Refugee"
- "Asylum Granted"
- "Cuban-Haitian Entrant (Status Pending)"
- "Conditional Entrant" (valid only if issued before April 1, 1980)
- Victims of human trafficking, T-visa (T-2, T-3, or T-4, etc.) holder
- "Parolee" (You must be paroled into the United States for at least one year and you must be able to provide evidence from the USCIS that you are in the United States for other than a temporary purpose and that you intend to become a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.)
What can I get?
Grants (free money you do NOT have to pay back)
Student loans (money you DO have to pay back)
Work Study (money you can earn with a part-time job)
Will financial aid cover all of my college costs?
It depends! Each college you apply to will use the information provided in your FAFSA to create a personalized financial aid package. For many of our students, your financial aid package does not cover ALL of your college expenses. That's why it's important to apply to SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS!
What do I need to apply?
Your social security number (if you do not have an SSN, please look below at the CA Dream Act application)
Your full legal name (as written on your social security number)
Your address (as written on your Aeries account)
Your parent's information (If you live with a guardian, please let us know, so we can better assist you with the required information)
Your parent's taxes from last year (If your parents did not do taxes last year, that's okay! Please let us know.)
Class of 2025 = Parent's 2023 taxes
Class of 2026 = Parent's 2024 taxes
Your parent's full legal name (as written on their taxes)
Your parent's social security numbers (If they have one) (If they do not have an SSN, please ONLY input ZEROS: 000000000)
Your parent's phone number and email address
Your parent's date of marriage, if applicable (MM/DD/YYYY)
When does the application open?
October 1st
What do I need to do first?
Create your FSAID:
California Dream Act Applicattion (CADAA):
What is it?
An application for state financial aid for California colleges, universities, and trade schools.
Who can apply?
Undocumented students who have attended school in California for at least 3 years (these years do NOT have to be back-to-back/consecutive years)
Students who live in California and meet the eligibility requirements for a non-resident exemption, as well as students who have a U Visa or TPS status.
What can I get?
Grants (free money you do NOT have to pay back)
Student loans (money you DO have to pay back)
Will financial aid cover all of my college costs?
It depends! Each college you apply to will use the information provided in your CADAA to create a personalized financial aid package. For many of our students, your financial aid package does not cover ALL of your college expenses. That's why it's important to apply to SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS!
What do I need to apply?
Your full legal name (as written in your Aeries account)
Your address (as written on your Aeris account)
Your parent's information (If you live with a guardian, please let us know, so we can better assist you with the required information)
Your parent's taxes from last year (if they submitted them)
Class of 2025 = Parent's 2023 taxes
Class of 2026 = Parent's 2024 taxes
Your parent's full legal name (as written on their taxes)
Your parent's social security numbers (If they have one) (If they do not have a SSN, please ONLY input ZEROS: 000000000)
Your parent's phone number and email address
Your parent's date of marriage, if applicable (MM/DD/YYYY)
When does the application open?
October 1st
To qualify for financial aid from the state of California, you MUST:
Complete your financial aid FAFSA/CA Dream Act application BEFORE MARCH 2nd!!!
Anything else I need to do?
Yes! Two weeks after completing your FAFSA/CA Dream Act, you have access to create and log onto your webgrant account here.
After you declare your college (usually done by May 1st), log into your webgrant account in order to update your College name and check the status of your California grant.