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2019 - 2020 Engineering Design and Research Class.
The students have coalesced into 5 project - topic groups:
(In no particular order)
1. Mental Health Awareness / Intervention at the High School Level
This group is working on identifying behaviors, creating informative seminars for high school students, and creating awareness and de-stigmatizing the stereotypes of mental health in high schoolers.
2. GEARS program retention, outreach, and recruitment
This group continues the work from last year in recognizing, promoting, and building the Engineering and Computer Science options at the middle and high school level.
3. A better alarm clock
Creating a less stressful alarm clock
4. Airbag rethinking
This group is focused on airbag safety and variation of passengers: improving airbag effectiveness by better conforming to people today instead of needing people to conform t ocurrent airbag standards.
5. Footbridge to P side
Tthese students realized that with the additional campus space across the street, there is now a severe traffic for stairwells and entryways and is designing a footbridge OVER the street to connect the 2nd floors of both sides to better enable students and teachers to get to the other building.